Let it Boom! is a VR sandbox where you demolish, blast, and destroy everything in peculiar cartoonish worlds. Blow up entire buildings and smash objects using a baseball bat and your best allies — bombs!
An old god-weirdo has caused the world's plates to collide, instantly distorting reality and time.
He desperately needs help — he may seem wise at first glance but is utterly incapable of acting like a grown-up (and he also has cat paws). Join him on his adventure and help him achieve his goals faster.
Choose how to move in a VR environment — teleport or move smoothly (with sticks), climb the hills, and enjoy the breathtaking view of collapsing structures! The game locations are designed with a flat landscape in mind, so you shouldn't feel sick.
Explore surreal and cartoonish sandbox worlds. Find out what happened to you and why the only thing you're doomed to do is destroy everything around you.
Wreak havoc with the destructible environment physics and destroy everything from buildings to moving objects.
Stretch bombs to change the blast power, pull the fuse to adjust the detonation delay and throw them in any direction. Blowing yourself up is harmless here, but don't try to do it at home!